Past Workshops

Some of these will run again in 2023. Do sign up to mailing list to be notified when dates are announced.


Natural Farming at Home

with Joshua Sparkes

Joshua Sparkes was introduced to the concept of natural farming during his fellowship studies in Japan and has since been experimenting with different ways to nurture the soil and the life within it using low cost, natural methods.

In this workshop we will explore this approach of regenerating soil by creating our own fertilisers and plant medicine using materials we can grow ourselves.    You will brew your own concoctions such as fermented plant juice to boost your soil biology and your plants’ natural defence systems and learn how to apply these at the optimum stage of your plants’ development. 

For more details click here.

Regenerative Gardening

with Jo McKerr and Alison Jenkins

An approach to gardening and landscape management that takes it’s cues from the natural world may be described by a number of terms, ecological, sustainable, biodynamic, organic, re-wilding, permaculture and nature led are just a few.  We will spend the day unpicking what these terms really mean and how you might apply them in your own garden.

We’ll look at Alison’s garden at Damson Farm and visit Jo’s garden in Wellow to explore how different site conditions inspire different management styles.

For more details click here

Seed Saving

with Vital Seeds

An introduction to the widely forgotten ancient skill of seed-saving. You will learn which seeds are really worth saving and how to produce top quality seed with very basic equipment. The workshop covers principles and simple techniques of growing vegetables and flowers to the end of their life cycle with tips for growing, harvesting, processing and storing seed.

By saving your own seed you’ll be playing your part in helping to build a more resilient and diverse food system.

For more details click here


Natural Controls for Pests and Diseases

with Christopher Smith of Pennard Plants

Learn to identify different pests and diseases and consider different ways of taking a natural approach to their presence. Chris will cover companion planting, how to encourage strong, healthy growth so that plants are less susceptible to damage and how to create your own pesticides and fungicides from natural ingredients if you do need to resort to control.

For more details click here


Cyanotype Printing

with Ruth Barnes Richards

The cyanotype process was used by pioneering Victorian  botanist Anna Atkins in her field study work to record the plant specimens she collected.  After gathering material from different plant communities at Damson Farm,   Ruth will  teach you how to produce cyanotypes using specially prepared paper in natural sunlight.  

For more details click here.


Ornamental Edibles with Chris Smith of Pennard Plants

The art of growing a beautiful garden that also happens to be edible. We will explore unusual varieties you may not have come across before as well as more common plants which you may not have realised are edible. Tastings included!

For more details click here.


Natural Plant Dyes

with Ffion Taverner

Spend the day immersed in the power of natural colour with artist, dyer and grower Ffion Taverner.   We will forage material growing in the edible garden, fields and hedgerows at Damson Farm such as dahlias, hawthorn, nettles, willow, calendula, dock and wode before going on to  explore the exciting spectrum of colours these different plants have to offer through their leaves, petals or roots.

For more details click here.

2023 Workshops

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