Photo: Eva Nemeth

Forced Rhubarb at Damson Farm

March in the Garden

Seasonal tasks in a regenerative edible garden

Friday 3 March 2023

with Alison Jenkins

9.30 - 12.30


Group Size - 6 people

As we move towards the Spring Equinox and the days are lengthening, the pace in the garden begins to quicken.   Those first delicious days of spring sunshine encourage us out to finish off those winter jobs, pruning apple trees and training in climbers before  new buds break.    

Having left lots of decaying foliage over the winter for wildlife habitat, it feels good to inject some fresh energy and order by preparing beds for a new growing season.   Compost is turned to make way for freshly cleared herbaceous growth.  The fast germinating weeds are an indication of warming soils and that the time for direct sowing and planting out is fast approaching.  The greenhouse benches start filling up with trays of seeds and those overwintered from autumn sowings are pushing out fresh growth.

This half day workshop will go through the seasonal work this month in the regenerative garden.  The focus will be on the edible garden but we will take a quick tour around the wider garden to look at what’s going on there too.

Careful planning and getting a little ahead during March can help to lessen the sense of overwhelm during the busiest months of April and May.

Tasks we’re likely to be discussing include:

  • What to sow this month in the edible and cutting garden

  • What’s available to harvest now and how to plan ahead for this time next year

  • Composting

  • Cover crops, green manure and mulching

  • Perennial vegetables and the hungry gap

  • Pruning and training

  • Natural structures to protect and support your plants


Tea or coffee will be served on arrival and there will be a break during the session for tea and home made cake. If you have any specific dietary requests do let me know on the booking form.  

What to Bring

Check the weather forecast before you travel and ensure you bring appropriate clothing, whether that’s waterproofs or sun hats, or possibly both!  You may wish to bring a notebook and camera too.

Getting Here

I will send directions a couple of weeks before the workshop. Use Damson Farm rather than the postcode on Google Maps.

Cancellation policy

As a small business it’s not sustainable to offer refunds. However if you need to cancel your place up to 28 days before the event you will be offered a credit towards another workshop. After that time, the offer only applies if I’ve been able to re-sell the place. It’s not possible to promote cancelled places for re-sale less than 4 days before the event.